The Mortuary Haunted House - Review (2022)


The Mortuary is located in New Orleans, Louisiana in a historic grand Victorian mansion. This haunt from the outside looks awesome and it’s in a historic area. I loved how it was surrounded by so many cemeteries and I love that this haunt is in a truly haunted building. 

The outside of the haunt and queue is well done and the haunt begins at the front door of the mortuary. I really like this setup and the queue area on the side of the house is unique. 

There is a large variety of theming for this haunt, and there is a little bit of something for everyone. The haunt starts off with a traditional haunted house type theme and turns into a clown house. I did not like this area very much and I feel like it is not as well done as the basement. It is certainly not bad, but I wasn’t very impressed with the over usage of props. There are a lot of stand still mannequin props in the first half of this haunt and few actors. A lot of the rooms are very large and there is a lack of set detail in some of these rooms. The jump scares in this section are also not as effective as they could be. 

However, going into the second half of this haunt and into the basement I loved. There are a lot of great gory effects and a ton of live actors. The scenes are extremely detailed and I love how they closely relate to the theme of a mortuary with dead bodies. I feel like this is definitely the highlight of the show. There are a lot of twists and turns throughout this part of the haunt, which makes the jump scares more unpredictable. The actors are great in this section of the show, as there seems to be more time and thought put into those hidden spaces. 

I thought it was really cool that we were walking through a true historic building. One thing I would change is just making the theming more consistent throughout. I feel like the traditional mansion style theming worked for this haunt well but the clown theming felt very out of place. I would recommend making more twists and turns in the beginning, changing some of the stand still props for animatronics, and make the theming a little bit more consistent and seamless as guests move between themes. 

Overall, this was an enjoyable haunt. It is not my favorite haunt of the season but it is still enjoyable. At a runtime of 18 mins, I definitely feel it is a great value for $25 and worth checking out. 

8/10 Stars
