7th Gate Haunted House (Calhoun, GA) Review- 2023

 7th Gate Haunted House is located in Calhoun, GA and is one of the newest haunts in Georgia. This is the haunt’s third year and this year was our first time going to see their show. 

I found the overall atmosphere of the haunt to be perfect and a major highlight for me. The haunt takes up two buildings, with a connecting hall built between the two, creating one longer haunted house instead of two. I really liked the outside ambience of the show, with the cemetery. There is clearly a lot of attention to detail both in and out of the haunt. Everything from the setup of the show, the outdoor cemetery area, and even the missing person posters in the queue line were well thought out and had a lot of detail to them. 

Throughout the haunt, I found the scenic design to be really captivating and unique. The show certainly has its own aesthetic. There are certainly themes and scenes in this show that are similar to other haunts, but the scenic design at this show stands out, creating a unique atmosphere. While there are traditional themes that you would find at other haunts, this show has a contemporary and artistic feeling to it. The haunt has less emphasis on animatronics/large props and a major focus on scenic design and actors, something I really appreciated. 

While I appreciated the attention to detail in the sets, it is also important to mention the actors at 7th Gate, as they are all incredible. The performances at 7th Gate were all impressive and actors never broke character. The actors also did a great job utilizing the sets of the rooms they were placed in. They were great at effectively executing a “jump scare” but then continuing their scene, interacting with guests. It feels like there was planning going into creating characters in this show, and I did not feel like there were just “jump scare” actors randomly placed in the haunt. While the set design allows great hiding spots for actors (increasing the intensity), I thought the guest interactions afterward were well prepared and fitting for each scene, further immersing guests into the show. 

7th Gate is a really well-designed and creative show. They clearly put a lot of attention into their set design, characters, and scares. I look forward to seeing what they do in the future!


Sets 10/10

Immersion + Theming 10/10

Performances 10/10

Fright 8/10

9.5/10 Stars
