Containment Haunted House “The Awakening” - Review (2022)

Containment Haunted House was our second stop for this haunt season. Their show this season is “The Awakening” and it is their last show at their current Lithia Springs location. 

This show was incredible. Every year, I love Containment. Every year they also outdo themselves. 

I loved the theming for the show this year. The storytelling is excellent, as always. I love how this haunt puts a lot of time and thought into their theming and storytelling. This year is no exception.

There was A LOT of new stuff this year at the show. New animatronics and scenes made the show unique and unpredictable. There were even more twist and turns from years past. I loved the new building they added out front as well.

They also added a new preshow before going into the haunt, which occurs at 7:50 before it opens. I loved this addition, as it was like a mini skit introducing audiences to the theme of the show. I have always seen Containment as an immersive theater- type show and thought that this addition was awesome  

This is the best show Containment has ever done. They always impress me, and I am so excited to see what they do next. 

10/10 Stars.  
