I had the chance to visit 13 Stories Haunted House this year, like I try to do each year. I have loved their show since it was in a small location in Town Center and had another haunt called "Horror Hill" out in the woods.
This year, the haunted house includes two attractions: the tradition 13 stories and Clown Haus.
13 Stories puts on a really good show, as usual this year. It has multiple memorable scenes, including a traditional kitchen scene, a spider web scene, and a really cool area as you enter the asylum! They also managed to add a couple new scenes this year.
They utilize smells throughout the haunt as well which was really cool!
The cast as always was great and the haunt had great costumes/makeup.
Its also a massive haunted house, taking almost 30 minutes to go through and in a building with over 50,000 square feet.
I really like 13 Stories although it doesn't feel like too much has changed, something I have noticed each year I return. They added a couple scenes to the Clown Haus clearing up some empty space which was great, I would just love to see them change some of the scenes for their 13 Stories attraction.
Other than that, I enjoyed 13 Stories as always.
(I hope they bring Sacrifice back at some point. I know, definitely not this year with COVID guidelines but it was awesome to have an extreme haunt here in GA a couple years ago)
8.5/10 STARS
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